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Family Connections Resource Center

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Our mission is to promote family wellness and decrease family stressors in order to prevent child abuse and neglect.


Our services can be accessed by self-referral or through a referral from health care providers, local schools, or other community agencies. Our staff provides services to any and all families with children birth to age 18 who live in Carroll County.


We meet in their home or the community to assess their needs, identify their strengths and assist them in accessing local and state resources. The services we provide include home visits, parent education, family counseling, life skills training, childcare resources, and crisis intervention

Our Services

Home Visits through Families Unlimited

Parent Education, Support & Advocacy
Parenting & Co-Parenting Classes (voluntary & court-ordered)

Life Skills Training

Child Care Resources

Resource, Referral, & Service Coordination

Community Playgroups

Diaper Depot (in collaboration with other non-profit agencies)
Watch Me Grow Program 

Kinship Navigator Program

Child Health Support Program

Home-Based Therapy Services Program

We Need Your Support Today!

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